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Giselle Ansell
Giselle Ansell was born in 1936 in Alexandria, Egypt. She was interviewed with her brother, Raymond. Giselle attended the Lycee Francais and had many Italian friends. In her interview Giselle spoke about her love for the sea and swimming. In 1957 she left Egypt with her family and after a short time in Liverpool settled in London where she trained as an opera singer.
Giselle Ansell
R Dwek & Giselle Ansell: Raymond's father wearing a suit and a fez, his mother and his sister. Alexandria, 1953
R Dwek & Giselle Ansell: Raymond returning to a fair he went to in 1955. Alexandria, 2001
Giselle Ansell
These personal images have kindly been provided to us by our interviewees. If you would like access to higher resolution copies please get in touch.
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