This year we face another Pesach in lockdown and while the social distancing, online shopping and deep cleaning may now feel ‘normal’, the prospect of yet another chag separated from those we love will always be hard.
Pesach is a time for reflecting on our past, exploring the ways in which communal experiences have shaped us as a people, and celebrating our freedom. The last year has not been an easy one, and many have experienced painful loss. We have been honoured and humbled to hear that in these moments our interviews have been able to provide some comfort. Through our interviews the stories of our individual and communal pasts are able to be passed on and allow us to once more feel close to one another.
As we look forward to the freedoms that vaccinations will bring, we wish you all a happy Pesach, chag sameach.
Ezra Aghai's siblings outside their grandparents house after Pesach, Lebanon 1956